A |
Andrew |
Currently it's very difficult to find subscriptions using the search feature. It seems to be based on the literal first + last name of the subscriber, so if you begin the search by entering in the subscriber's last name you come up with no results.
This can lead to problems when a customer purchases with their spouse's credit card (and/or name) and, despite having the same last name, are basically impossible to find. The same is true when customers use nicknames for their first name, they become very difficult to find.
Please improve customer subscription search criteria to include separately first name, last name, email address and even shipping address would be helpful so we can search cities or streets to see customer lists. If I type in "Smith" I should see every subscription with a subscriber last name (or first name) "Smith." If I type in "Wendy" I should see every subscription with a subscriber first name (or last name) "Wendy." If I type in "Miami" I should see every subscription with a subscriber address that includes "Miami." The way to accomplish this is to include all results where either the first name, OR last name, OR email address, OR physical address (either billing or delivery) includes ANY of the search terms entered in the search bar. Accounts that include more of the different terms entered should show higher in the results. So for example if I enter Wendy Miami in the search box and Wendy Stuggart lives in Miami she should show higher in the results than Wendy Jennings who lives in Austin.
Also, when we search subscriptions, what exactly is being searched? Is it the customer account information? Or is it the subscription billing information? Or is it the shipping address information? These things are often different, and there should at least be a tooltip somewhere next to the search bar that we can click/hover to get some information on what this search bar actually searches. If someone buys a subscription for their friend, then the subscription delivery address is going to be different from the billing address, and the names will be different. It's important when looking up subscriptions that we know exactly what the search feature is searching through.
Additionally, having the customer's subscription link (in Shopify's order or customer page) go to the actual subscription in the app would be helpful. Currently this link opens the app but does not successfully open the customer's subscription, which then leads to the difficulty of searching for them with a faulty search bar.